Bucks County Traffic Ticket Points System
Bucks County is the fourth largest county in Pennsylvania. This leads to heavy traffic, and many drivers on the road. Most residents have had the unpleasantness of being stopped by police for one violation or another. When issued a ticket, one of the first questions a driver has is “are there points associated with this ticket?” Pennsylvania has a strict point system which can lead to License Suspensions, insurance premium increases, special PennDOT examinations, and departmental hearings. Many drivers simply pay a ticket and then are shocked to discover that points have been assessed on their license. This can cause problems down the line, which is why it’s important to understand what tickets carry Points. If you are unsure as to whether a ticket carries points, contact a lawyer before taking an action. A consultation with an experienced attorney can save you thousands in fines and premiums, and even save your license from being suspended.So, What Tickets Do Carry Points?
In Pennsylvania, there are over thirty-five citations that come with Points. This doesn’t include the fact that some citations carry mandatory suspensions, or even jail time. Some of the more common tickets that result in points are:- Failure to stop for a Red Light (3112) – 3 points
- Failure to stop for a Stop Sign (3323(b)) – 3 points
- Failure to yield at a yield sign (3323(c)) – 3 points
- Illegal U Turns (3332)– 3 points
- Improper Passing (3303-3307)- 3 to 4 points
- Driving too fast for conditions (3361) – 2 points
- Speeding (3362) – ranging from 3 points to 5 points and suspensions
- Failure to Stop for School Bus (3345) – 5 points and a mandatory 60 day suspension
- Speeding in a School Zone (3365)– 3 points
- Careless Driving (3714) – 3 points
- Reckless Driving (3736) – 5 points and a 6 month suspension
- Following Too Closely (3310) – 3 points
- Leaving the Scene of an Accident (3745) – 4 points