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Unpaid Traffic Tickets Lawyer Bucks County
With approximately 20 Magisterial District Courts located throughout Bucks County, it is unbelievable how quickly Unpaid Tickets can seem to pile up and sneak up on you. Speeding Tickets, Red Light Tickets, meter tickets, illegal parking tickets and a number of other citations are frequently bestowed upon Bucks County residents by the local police force.
Perhaps you forgot to pay some tickets, or were unable to pay. Maybe they went to the wrong address. No matter the reason, if you have Unpaid Tickets, you need to address the situation. Allowing Unpaid Tickets to remain unpaid can lead to significant and costly consequences, including a suspension of your driving privileges.
Everyone hates receiving tickets and it is difficult to believe how quickly they can pile up. In some cases, the easiest resolution would be to simply pay the ticket and move on, but it is possible that you cannot afford to, or that you completely forget. Actions have consequences, and simply ignoring that seemingly massive initial fine will not make it go away or grow smaller. On the contrary, turning your back on the issued traffic violation allows it to turn into your worst nightmare. The experienced traffic ticket attorneys here at The Law Offices of Greg Prosmushkin, P.C. have experience in fighting these types of tickets and are often able to get a moving violation reduced to a simple parking infraction.
What Can We Do about My Unpaid Tickets?
Often, the easiest resolution would be to simply pay the past due tickets and move on. If you would like to pay the tickets and are unable, it is likely that the court would not oppose providing you a payment plan to resolve your outstanding balance. If the court does afford you this opportunity, you must be certain to not miss a payment, as they are very strict, and missing payments will result in further complications. While paying the tickets may be the easiest solution in the short term, remember that by paying a ticket you acknowledge your guilt, and accept the consequences of the ticket. This could include points, Suspensions, and increased insurance premiums.
If the tickets are old, there is still hope. Filing a Nunc Pro Tunc is your best chance of mitigating the effects of a collection of overdue tickets. Literally meaning "now for then," a Nunc Pro Tunc is a petition to the court asking for permission to appeal tickets after the appropriate period for appeals has lapsed. This process is very technical, and requires at least two appearances at the Courthouse in Doylestown. However, through this process, your attorney may ultimately be able to plea down the tickets, have the fines reduced and save your license from points and suspension. It's even possible that upon re-examining these old matters that defenses may be found, and a ticket could be dismissed.
No matter how you choose to proceed, the sooner you take action, the better your chances of having a favorable result. Remember, courts can issue a bench warrant for failing to pay your tickets. You do not want to be arrested due to Unpaid Tickets.
Why Do I Need an Attorney?
At The Law Offices of Greg Prosmushkin, P.C. our experienced Bucks County attorneys have handled all types of unpaid ticket issues from New Britain to Fallsington and everywhere in between, at both the Magisterial District Court level and the Common Pleas level. While this may be a new experience for you, rest assured in knowing that we have successfully handled and routinely see situations just like yours. With offices in Southampton, we are ready to help this community stay on the road.
When faced with Unpaid Tickets, hiring an intelligent and experienced defense attorney is a good first step in protecting your rights and your license. Contact Us today for a free consultation.
This content was written on behalf of Greg Prosmushkin.